Brittle, Discolored & Damaged Nails

Brittle, discolored, and damaged nails can be indicative of underlying health issues or nutritional deficiencies. These nail conditions not only affect the appearance but also indicate potential concerns with overall health and well-being. Addressing nail health requires a multifaceted approach, including proper nail care, lifestyle modifications, and targeted nutritional support. Medical foods can play a crucial role in promoting healthy nails by providing essential nutrients to support nail growth and strength.

How Medical Foods Can Help

EBM Medical Foods offers specialized formulations designed to support nail health and address issues such as brittleness, discoloration, and damage. EBM products contain a combination of active pharmaceutical-grade ingredients carefully selected to target the underlying factors contributing to poor nail health and promote the growth and strength of nails.

EBM Products for Brittle, Discolored & Damaged Nails

The active ingredients in EB-L1 work together to correct the metabolic deficiencies associated with nail strength, thickness, brittleness, and color. Upon addressing your nutritional deficiencies with EB-L1, you may see an improvement in healthy nail growth, a decrease in nail breaking or splitting, and a positive overall change in nail appearance and color.
EB-PRO 13 Diabetic Foot Cream
EB-Pro 13
EB-PRO 13 is a non-greasy, multipurpose diabetic foot cream containing a clinical concentration of melaleuca alternifolial (13%) for the management of rough, dry diabetic skin.

What causes discoloration in nails?

Brittle, discolored, and damaged nails can result from various factors. These may include nutritional deficiencies, such as insufficient intake of essential vitamins and minerals like biotin and iron, fungal infections, excessive exposure to water and harsh chemicals, trauma or injury to the nail bed, underlying medical conditions like psoriasis or thyroid disorders, and certain medications. Additionally, habits like nail biting or frequent use of nail polish remover can weaken nails.

Helping clients achieve healthy nails

At Hecker Medical, we are dedicated to treating the whole person, including helping clients achieve healthy nails and improve overall nail health. Our medical foods are backed by scientific research and designed to provide targeted support for improved nail strength, growth, and appearance.

Committed to His Clients

"Dr. Hecker is committed to his care. He is responsive, compassionate, and personable. He has always been open to my concerns and worked around them. His regenerative options have been wonderful for my recovery. After several years of significant pain, I am pain-free and back to running. Highly recommend Dr. Hecker to all!!!!" - Megan M.

Really Focused on the Issues

"I was treated by Doc Hecker for the last few months for some hip issues that will help me with movement in the years ahead. It was time so well spent as they really focused on the issues and correcting them so that they don't become more of an issue as I get older. The staff is wonderful and very communicative." - Bob G.

Cannot Recommend Enough

"It is clear that Dr. Hecker keeps up with the current research on sports medicine. His treatment plan made me feel confident in my own recovery. I cannot recommend Dr. Hecker enough!! Next time I have an injury, I know which doctor I will turn to for help." - Josh D.

Have brittle, discolored or damaged nails?

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